
分享10个Chat GPT常用且好用的指令

分享10个Chat GPT常用且好用的指令-第1张-游戏信息-泓泰




1.英文:You are an AI designed to help [insert profession]. Generate a list of the 10 best prompts for yourself. The prompts should be about [insert topic].

中文:你是一个旨在帮助 [职业] 的 AI。为你自己生成 10 个最佳提示列表。提示应该是关于 [题目]

2.英文:Create a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT. Topics should include prompts, priming, and personas. Include examples where necessary. The guide should be no longer than 500 words.

中文:创建使用 ChatGPT 的初学者指南。主题应包括提示、启动和角色。在必要时包括示例。指南不应超过 500 字。

3.英文:Explain [insert topic] in simple and easy terms that any beginner can understand.

中文:用任何初学者都能理解的简单易懂的术语解释 [插入主题]

4.英文:I am interviewing for [enter position]. Can you give me a comprehensive list of questions interviewers will ask me during this interview. Also provide brief answers to each question.

中文:我正在面试 [职位]。你能给我一份面试官在这次面试中会问我的问题的完整清单吗?同时简要回答每个问题。

5.英文:You are a customer service representative dealing with a customer upset about a late delivery. Write a 100 word apology email.

中文:你是一名客户服务代表,负责处理因【原因】而心烦意乱的客户。写一封 100 字的道歉电子邮件。

6.英文:Analyze the writing style from the text below and write a 200 word piece on [insert topic].



7.英文:Act as an expert career coach. I [explain problem]. Give me a list of 5 solutions that could potentially fix this problem.

中文:作为专业的职业教练。[需要解答的问题]。给我一份可能解决这个问题的 5 种解决方案的清单。

8.英文:I am looking to hire [insert job]. I have no experience with hiring [insert job]. Give me a list of 10 online communities and job boards where I can source candidates for this job.

中文:我正在寻找招聘 [职位]。我没有招聘 [职位] 的经验。请给我一份包含 10 个招聘网站和工作中介的列表,我可以从中找到这份工作的候选人。

9.英文:I'm writing a blog post about [insert topic]. I can't come up with a catchy title. Give me a list of 5 suggestions for the blog title for this piece.

中文:我正在写一篇关于 [插入主题] 的头条文章。我想不出一个吸引人的标题。请给我一份关于这篇文章的头条标题的 5 条建议列表。

10.英文:I want to [insert task or goal]. Generate [insert desired outcome] for [insert task or goal].


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