
2024年2月14日官网新闻:主播套件 - 古墓丽影I-III复刻版

2024年2月14日官网新闻:主播套件 - 古墓丽影I-III复刻版-第1张-游戏信息-泓泰



A screen that says "Be right back" intended for streamer use.

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered streamer kits available for download!

  Feb 14, 2024

  各位探险家们,你们好!今天是《古墓丽影I-III复刻版》发布的大喜日子!我们希望你们都能在亚特兰蒂斯尽情奔跑,探索西藏的山脉,划皮划艇穿越马达布峡谷,就像回到1996-1999年一样! 我们知道,许多社区成员都期待着做一件90年代末无法做到的事情——直播这些经典游戏!
  Hello Raiders, and happy Tomb Raider I-III Remastered launch day! We hope that you are all having a blast running around in Atlantis, exploring the mountains of Tibet, and kayaking through Madubu Gorge like it’s 1996-99! We know many community members are looking forward to something you couldn’t do in the late 90s - livestream these classic games!

  As a treat for fans, we’ve pulled together a comprehensive streamer kit for use. The streamer kit includes:

  · 一款支持游戏玩法的主题覆盖图
  A themed overlay supporting gameplay

  · 一款同时支持游戏玩法和摄像头的第二主题覆盖图
  A second themed overlay supporting gameplay and a camera

  · 新关注、捐赠和订阅/重新订阅的提醒
  Alerts for new follows, donations, and subs/resubs

  · 3个表情符号
  3 Emojis

  · 一个空白、可定制的主题面板
  A blank, customizable themed panel

  Anyone is welcome to download this kit and use it on their channels! Download it below (7mb).

  Remastered_Streamer_Kit.zip 下载网址:https://assets.ctfassets.net/x77ixfmkpoiv/4yDLACqR7UzyvcdJeNAqLf/2a175bb66f1a026228e4383e4754c64d/Remastered_Streamer_Kit.zip

  Are you watching or streaming the TR I-III Remasters? Who are some of your favorite Lara Croft content creators? Let us know on Instagram, Threads, Facebook, TikTok or X!

标签: #古墓丽影13复刻版