
一首叫"four seasons"的歌的歌词,the fourseasons




'spring is nice, sunny, the recovery of all things, everything is full of vigor and vitality,' the little girl automatic speaking tract, she met feel the breath of spring, she slowly narrowed eyes,comfortable bathing in the sun. The boundaries of beautiful mood makes her ideas acrosstime and space, she came to the vast grassland, slowly stretch as far as eye can see, her longout of a riot of colours of the flowers, a host, a round, as if she and the nature, put themselves in the display; with that her thoughts and leap to People are hurrying to and fro. the busy,busy in a prosperous and peaceful scene, she felt very beautiful very proud, peace and prosperity, have ample food and clothing, while she was intoxicated in good years, 'meow,meow.' Meal of a sound, the original is next to the cat, it was lazily basking in the sun, then herbright smile, stroked the cat familiar said 'living in such a time of national peace and order, we are very happy.'
The yellow leaves fluttering yo, covered with a little girl, about my classmates went to the mountains, the autumn wind bleak, shining a little bumpy road, they support each other,mutual encouragement, finally reached the top of the mountain, she look at a look, yellowcorn, golden wheat spike, panoramic view, she mind presents the fruits of the harvest, farmersface smile, and even a lot of money, she smiled, but soon eyes flashed a faint sadness,originally she thought of the motherland facing the situation, she thought that if war comes,whether you win or lose, suffer are people ah, so she took the frustration and sadness towinter.
The wind is very tight, cotton like snowflakes torn like flying in the air, no destination falls, the little girl walking in the vast expanse of white streets, the wind mixed snow feet with roaring and sound shrill together, become a strange music, she fights only snow, showing the wince look,but she insisted efforts strides, at the same time, she thought, she is angry, angry power as apower forward, when her mind was' I 'thought is, a firm belief branded in my heart, take her in this belief under the more and more soon, soon she came into the warm home, see their parents care smile, feel the parents ask people whether they feel hot, she felt like she was'good' surrounded by beautiful, she believes it will forever.

一首叫"four seasons"的歌的歌词

四季 (four seasons )w-inds.

欲しかったもの 一つずつ手に入れて その中でも
変わりのない 宝物があって
磁石みたく 訳もなく ただ惹かれてく 心を
温め合うように 二人を包んだ

春の风过ごした瞬间が触れた 胸に刻む君とのseasnos

明日晴れても雨の日でも もう今は君に会えない
共に波にさらわれた あの夏の梦

一晩中そばにいても またいつもの 日常に
戻される 夜明けを恨んだり

もしもいつかこの世界の终わりが来て それでも

秋の夜瞳を闭じればいつも よみがえる君とのseasons

优しさが足りなかったね 不器用な仆に残った

so I cannot forget four seasons belive in

so I cannot forget four seasons belive in

so I cannot forget four seasons belive in

过ごした瞬间が触れた 胸に刻む君とのseasons

明日晴れても雨の日でも もう今は叶えられない
远い日々に置いてきた あの二人の梦

so I cannot forget four seasons belive in
so I cannot forget four seasons belive in

每一样想拥有的东西 都会第一时间立即(据为己有)
不会改变的 只有这宝物
没有磁场 也没有终站 只不过是被吸引的心
温暖的体温 包围(缠绕)著二人

当春风吹过的瞬间 胸口刻上你的seasons

明天无论是晴是雨 你已经不能再遇见
如潮水般的回忆 夏天的梦想

假使世界将要终结 尽管如此
想每晚也能有你陪伴著 直至每天

在秋天晚上闭起眼睛看见 复苏的你的seasons
是否不够亲切~?? 提醒著笨拙的我

so I cannot forget four seasons believeme

so I cannot forget four seasons believeme

so I cannot forget four seasons believeme

过去的瞬间感动著 胸口上刻有你的seasons
无论明天是晴是雨 这都已经没法实现
在遥远的地方 那个二人的梦
so I cannot forget four seasons believeme

so I cannot forget four seasons believeme

ho si ka tta mo no hi to tsu zu tsu te ni i re te so no na ka de mo ka wa ri na i ta ka ra mo no ga a tte

ji sha ku mi ta ku wa ke mo na ku ta da hi ka re te ku ko ko ro wo a ta ta me a u yo u ni fu ta ri wo tsu tsu n da ha ru no ka ze

su go si ta shu n ka n ga fu e te

mu ne ni ki za mu ki mi to no season

zu tto ko no sa ki mo ku ri ka e su to si n ji te a su ha re te mo a me no no hi de mo

mo u i ma wa ki mi ni a e na i to o i na mi ni sa ra wa re ta a no na tsu no yu me

hi to ba n chu u so ba ni i te mo ma ta i tsu mo no ni chi jo u ni mo do sa re ru yo a ke wo u ra n ta ri

mo si mo i tsu ka ko no se ka i no o wa ri ga ki te so re de mo fu ta ri na ra i sho da to o mo tte ta

a ki no yo ru

hi to mi wo to ji re ba i tsu mo

yo mi ga e ru ki mi to no season

so no nu ku mo ri to i ta mi wa ki e na i ma ma ya sa si sa ga ta ri na ka tta ne bu ki yo u na bo ku ni no ko tta

sa i go ni mi ta o mo i te wa a no fu yu no na mi da So I can not forget four seasons believe me

ki mi ga i na i si ki wo wa ta ru yo So I can not forget four seasons believe me

a no so ra mo ka na si mi wo da i te So I can not forget four seasons believe me

su go si ta shu n kan ga fu e te mu ne ni ki za mu ki mi to no season zu tto ko no sa ki mo ku ri ka e su to si n ji te a su ha re te mo a me no no hi de mo mo u i ma wa ka na e ra re na i too i hi bi ni o i te ki ta

a no fu ta ri no yu me So I can not forget four seasons believe me So I can not forget four seasons believe me


好听的日本动漫游戏歌曲,op ,ed ,游戏的bgm,ost等啊,来者不拒,要求旋律 优美,听起来比较舒服的

いつか降る雨、桜 东方妖々梦,这个是轻音乐型的,很干净而且给人以宁静的感觉
innocent days 叛逆的鲁鲁修里的插曲 相比前一个优美很多,不过就是说的歌词没人听得懂(另外同风格的外有Planetes 、 Stories 、Continued Story 不过没有上面那个干净 )
夏影 版本有很多,因为是基于日本的童谣改编的。有LIA在AIR里面的版本(哀怨)以及灼眼的夏娜里面的(儿童化)
旅立つキミへ 「BLEACH」ED22 节奏感比较好,优美不一定但是歌词不错(如果你看得懂)
life is like a boat 死神忘记哪部的ED了。很不错的歌
FOUR SEASONS 犬夜叉的剧场版,节奏感强,而且听起来有一种安静的感觉(我觉得)
风の羽 桑田贵子 罗德岛战记的插曲,因为风格偏向吟游诗人那种欧式的独奏音乐,因而很干净。
炎与永远 和 吟游诗人的记忆,风格和上部其实差不多但由于气场上有点差别,所以喜好上会有所偏向。
Somewhere 秀逗魔导士第3部结尾ED 是桑岛法子唱的,英语不标准不过听着挺舒服。

求《犬夜叉之天下霸道之剑》的主题曲《Four Seasons》的歌词!!!!日文加中文翻译~!!!!

安室奈美惠 的 歌曲 望采纳 !!!!
中文版 在下面
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be ok
I can taste the sweetness of the past
I'll be alright 目を瞑ればそこに
変わらない爱を I believe
Four seasons with you love もう一度

can you feel me underneath the skin?
We'll be alright 信じていればそう
どんな远くても stay with me
Four seasons with your love 梦の中
Four seasons with your love 胸の奥
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, I'll be alright
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, stay with me...
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, I'll be alright
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, stay with me...
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, I'll be alright
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, stay with me...
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, I'll be alright
four scene, four four seasons
four scene, stay with me...

Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being along
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being along
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being along
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be ok

一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅
摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽

I can taste the sweetness of the past
I'll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛
不变的爱就在那里 I believe
集满春光 让花绽放
春天里凝视 浮著明月的海
秋天的风 冬天的雪
但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖
four seasons with your love 再一次

只有心愿的承诺 随著时光会退色
can you feel me underneath the skin?
we'll be alright 只要去相信 没错
无论相隔多遥远 stay with me
在春花沉睡的夜里 来迎接我
在夏日的沙滩上 留下message
秋天的雨 冬天的泪
但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖
four seasons with your love 在梦里

把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里
我俩共渡的岁月 即将成为回忆
但愿你永远能够 为他们带来温暖
four seasons with your love 在心深处

four scence, four four seasons
four scence, I'll be alright
four scence, four four seasons
four scence, Stay with me..

four scence, four four seasons
four scence, I'll be alright
four scence, four four seasons
four scence, Stay with me..

four scence, four four seasons
four scence, I'll be alright
four scence, four four seasons
four scence, Stay with me..

four scence, four four seasons
four scence, I'll be alright
four scence, four four seasons





  In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.



  A year the four seasons, spring, all things recovery; In the summer, the scorching sun; Winter, snow. But I love the beauty of autumn that mature alone.

  The color of autumn is golden. Pieces of yellow leaves, like the beautiful butterflies dancing in the autumn wind; Layers of golden rice waves, like a golden sea; Sorghum red face a stretch in the autumn wind, it is golden dress hopping the cheerful dance while singing...

  Autumn is a wonderful sound. Underground, the autumn rain dripping like a musical performance; Autumn breezes blowing, just like beautiful music; From the tree, constantly in the field, came the sound of the cheerful symphony played to harvest...

  The taste of autumn is sweet. The orchard, each pears like YiZhanZhan small lanterns, hanging in a tree. A grape, these grapes as each big, round black pearl, shining, a refreshing fragrance... The autumn wind the chrysanthemum is open to romance. Red, white, yellow, purple, airtime, sending out the intoxicating scent in the air.

  The autumn sky is high. There are some light in the blue sky white clouds, white clouds is line after line of fly south wild goose, under them for a while adult word, a word from time to time, added wipes his life for the beauty of the sky...

  Ah, autumn, how beautiful you are, I love you!








  What is my favorite season? Is spring? In the summer? Autumn? Or winter? What point by the way, is the summer, I like summer? Please read on! Summer is very hot, even the door also dare not out, there is only one way to go swimming, can go swimming, also can swim to the sun, still can exercise, can also play in the swimming pool, a water fight, water has a boat... Water vessel is invented games with my friends and I, is playing like this: there was a man sitting in the swim ring, one sent another person to destination, send the man to later, took the other one.

  More than swimming in summer, you can also go to the park to enjoy the park will sell some ice cream, and some old man holding a fan fan fan, there are some young people under the sun umbrellas, and some rest at home, have the somebody else all enjoy cool air in the balcony of the balcony!

  This season in summer is a season, I most like every time in summer, mom and dad took me to swim, I will be unhappy, so my hobby can't without summer.





  In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.



  There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.

  The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything comes to life again.

  The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.

  Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather becomes cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.

  The last season is winter.It comes with frost and snow.The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring comes again soon.






标签: #一首叫four seasons的歌的歌词#the fourseasons