



PS版实况足球2009里有手抒情的哥~~实况 音乐~求歌名

是love of the game 吗??

有目录,第63首Love of the Game

On Time All Mine (大师联赛)
Big Shoes (大师联赛)
Echoes In My Head (大师联赛)
Do it Again (大师联赛)
High stakes (大师联赛)



  gotta have you


  Song:Gotta Have You
  Singer:The Weepies
  Album:Say I Am You
  www.50004.com ★
  Gray, quiet and tired and mean
  Picking at a worried seam
  I try to make you mad at me over the phone
  Red eyes and fire and signs
  I'm taken by a nursery rhyme
  I want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home
  No amount of coffee
  No amount of crying
  No amount of whiskey
  No amount of wine
  No, nothing else will do
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  The road gets cold
  There's no spring in the middle this year
  I'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears
  Oh, such a prima donna
  Sorry for myself
  But green, it is also summer
  And i won't be warm till i'm lying in your arms
  No amount of coffee
  No amount of crying
  No amount of whiskey
  No amount of wine
  No, nothing else will do
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  I see it all through a telescope:
  Guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat
  Lying in the back of the blue boat
  Humming a tune...
  No amount of coffee
  No amount of crying
  No amount of whiskey
  No amount of wine
  No, nothing else will do
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  No amount of coffee
  No amount of crying
  No amount of whiskey
  No amount of wine
  No, nothing else will do
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  I've gotta have you
  The Weepies - Gotta Have You
  Say I Am You

实况足球2009的开场音乐,是女声唱的,知道的告诉我下?拜托各位了 3Q

这个歌是Nadiya 的歌名可能是roc 这首歌是法语歌 nadiya 阿尔及利亚歌手 听起来可能会觉得有点奇怪,当今法国歌坛的嘻哈甜心Nadiya娜蒂亚,并不像一般歌手出生所谓的音乐世家,相反的,Nadiya的家庭从小就是个运动世家,Nadiya自己就从获得1989年法国青少年的运动冠军。然而Nadiya在20岁时,决定离开家乡前往巴黎发展,追求自己喜欢的音乐事业。 2001年Nadiya首先在法国知名饶舌歌手Stomy Bugsy专辑中跨刀演唱〈Aucun Dieu Ne Pourra Me Pardonner〉,Stomy Bugsy在法国算是相当受到欢迎,连“天命真女”团员之一Kelly Rowland都曾和她合作过,也因此Nadiya也很快受到注意,并在同年发行个人首张专辑《Changer Les Choses》,这张专辑还让Nadiya获得法国葛莱美奖‘Victoires de la Musique’的提名,对一个新人来说相当不简单。2004年的专辑《16/9》成绩更上一层楼,多首单曲〈Parle-Moi〉和〈Et C`est Parti〉等都有相当好的成绩,也巩固了Nadiya在法国嘻哈甜心的地位。 蛰伏两年之后,Nadiya带着全新同名专辑《Nadiya》再闯法国歌坛,专辑果然一发行就夺下专辑榜冠军,而首波单曲〈Tous Ces Mots〉也顺利拿下单曲榜第四名的佳绩。在〈Tous Ces Mots〉单曲当中,Nadiya找来曾经在〈Et C`est Parti〉合作过的饶舌歌手Smartzee再度跨刀,强劲的节拍果然让人不得不注意Nadiya的回归,歌曲中穿插的汽车急速劲驰的特效更让这首歌受到街头青少年的欢迎。第二首劲歌单曲〈Roc〉也是延续前一首单曲的气势,这回Nadiya从飙车场上的极速靓妹变成舞台上受到万人拥戴的黑暗之后,结合摇滚、嘻哈以及古典的多重元素让人耳朵一亮。既然是嘻哈甜心,当然不能错过旷课乐曲风的〈Flash Back〉略带黑暗感的节拍绝对是午夜街头的代表作。〈Inch`Allah〉则是展现Nadiya甜心的一面,深情浪漫的曲风让听的人完全融化,让见识到卸下重拍包装的嘻哈靓妹也能如此深情.


其余的还有gotta be somebady----Nickelback
up all night---hinder(这首歌狂赞啊)
just so you know---jessy mccaryney
i m gone---jordan pruitt
Freestyler--- Bomfunk MC's
home Its Time---Micheal buble
Solo---Kate Havnevik
You Were My Everything--- Aviation
Tardes Negras---Tiziano Ferro
The Time of My Life---David Cook
Donde estan corazon---Enrique Iglesias
Feels Like Tonight---Chris Daughtry
We Walk---The Ting Tings



lenny kravitz Ft.jay-Z - Storm

Gym Class Heroes - The Queen And I

Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler

标签: #谁知道ps2里面的实况2009的游戏音乐那音乐老经典了_实况足球2009歌曲